
Sending Faxes:


To send a fax, select this option from the column on the left of your 800.com account. 




This will open a window for your to enter the necessary information and attach a file. 

*Supported file types are doc, docx, or pdf and must be 20 MB or under.


If you have multiple fax numbers, you can select the fax number from which you would like to send using the drop-down menu on the upper left of this window. 




You also have the ability of including a cover page by clicking on the "Include A Cover Page With This Fax?" box. This will expand the window to include additional inputs such as names, phone numbers, addresses, and notes. 



You can attach the document you will be faxing, by clicking on the add attachment option on the bottom left of the box. A box will appear that will allow you to select the desired file from your device. 


When you are ready, click the "Send Fax" button on the bottom right of the box.


Retrieving Faxes:

To retrieve voicemail, texts, and faxes you can simply select the "Inbox" option from the column on the left of your browser window. You can narrow your results by utilizing the search-bar or clicking the funnel icon to the right of the search-bar. 




You can also view your voicemail, texts, and faxes by scrolling down while in the "Dashboard" tab. 





To set up fax notifications you will need to select the “Numbers” option from the column on the left.




From here, you can either click on the number for which you wish to edit your preferences or you can hover over the 3 dots on the right and select “Manage” from the options that appear.




If you wish, you can label you fax number for easier identification from this screen by entering your chosen title in the input box and clicking save at the bottom.




Underneath this box, there is a "Notifications" category that can be expanded by clicking it. You will then see a box to input a notification email. This will allow your faxes to be sent to you in an email attachment. 





Send a test fax to: 1-888-HPFAXME (8884732963)

Make a test Microsoft Word or similar file on your desktop. Populate the file with a few words.

*Supported types (doc, docx, pdf)

Login to your account and “send” the file to 8884732963.

Wait a few minutes and check your inbox. Your inbox will show the fax was "sent" once it has gone though.

When in doubt, wait 30 minutes before escalating to support after step 3. Faxing takes time to complete.