Inbox overview

Your inbox is your one-stop-shop for accessing your calls, voicemails, SMS messages, and faxes. You can access this log by selecting the "Inbox" category from the column on the left of your account. 




By default, you will see all of your activity together in one list. You can filter this list in order to narrow your results. To filter your results, you will need to select the "Filter" button on the upper right of the box containing your current results.




You will then see a new box open with "Date Range", "Type", and "Number" as your filterable categories. 



Date Range:

The "Date Range" option is selected by default. From here you can select a start-date by selecting a date on the calendar below as the start-date button is selected by default.




You can use the drop-down boxes or the right and left arrows to change the month and year you are viewing. 




Once a start-date is chosen, clicking the right button on the right of the filter box will allow you to select an end-date for your date range.




You can also choose from the predetermined ranges on the left of the filter box (yesterday, this week, last week, this month, and last month).




As a final option, you can enter a number in the "days up to today" or the "days starting today" boxes to pull up that range.




You can then click outside of this window to return to your inbox. 



If you wish, you can have your results generated according to the type by selecting the "Type" tab.




When open, this will allow you to choose whether archived results will be populate in your filtered results by toggling on the "Archived Messages Are Shown" option, which will be disabled by default.




Underneath this toggle you will see boxes that are checked by default for messages, calls, voicemails, notes, and faxes. You can click on these boxes to deselect the options you would not like to be Incorporated in your filtered results. 




You can then click outside of this window to return to your inbox. 



To filter your results, you will need to select the "Filter" button on the upper right of the box containing your current results.




You will then see a new box open with "Date Range", "Type", and "Number" as your filterable categories. 




Clicking on the "Number" tab will allow you to deselect certain numbers from being included in your results if you have multiple numbers. All of your numbers, if you have multiple, will be selected by default. You can deselect and select as desired.




You can then click outside of this window to return to your inbox. 



In order to remove items (voicemails, texts, calls, etc.) from your inbox you have the ability to archive them. You can accomplish this by clicking on a specific log and then clicking on the "Archive" icon on the upper right of your window while viewing this communication. The "Archive" icon is the right-most option in this group of actions. You can hover over these icons to ensure you are clicking on the correct one. 




Another method for archiving logs would be to click the boxes to the left of the contacts' communications and then click the archive at the top right of this column. The "Archive" icon is to the left of the "Filter" icon. You can hover over these icons to ensure you are clicking on the correct one.




If you would like to archive all of your communications, you can select the box on the upper left of this column and then clicking the "Archive" icon.




You can search for a specific communication stream by utilizing the search bar at the very top of the column as well. 




If, at any time, you would like to revisit your archived communication streams, you can click on the "Filter" icon to the right of the "Archive" icon.




This will open a window that shows the "Date Range" tab by default.




You will need to select the "Type" tab from this window and click on the "Archived Messages Are Shown" in order to include archived communications. You can toggle this option off at any time. 




You can then click outside of this window to return to your inbox.