Adding, editing, and modifying contacts

  • Updated

You can add contact to your account in order to store their telephone numbers, email addresses, fax numbers, addresses, etc. by navigating to the "Contacts" category from the column on the left of your account.




The contacts page shows your existing contacts and gives you the option of uploading a .csv file by clicking the "Import" button on the upper right of the page, creating a "List" with the middle option, or manually inputting your contacts by clicking the "Add Contact" button. Under the "List" option, you will have the ability to utilize both other options, but create a specified list of contacts. 




Adding Contacts, Individually


If you choose to manually add your contact information, select "Add Contact." This will open a window providing boxes to add a contact name, a phone number, a company, an email, and a section for notes.




The notes section is where we recommend you input fax numbers. You can add the fax number in the phone number spot if you prefer. Additionally, you can click the "View More" option on the bottom left of the window to add a title and/or address.






You can fill out as little or as much of the information as you like. 


Be sure to click “Save” upon completion. 


Uploading a .CSV File

If you are importing your contacts from another source, select the "Import" option. This will open a box that prompts you to select a category  and agree to the "Terms and Conditions." You must select a created list or "All Contacts" and click the "Terms and Conditions" box in order to proceed. You can create a new list from this box by clicking on the "+" button to the right of the dropdown box. 




*Please note: Uploaded contact lists must be in the specific format seen in the "Download our sample CSV file" link (name, number, email, company, address1, zip, city, state, country, notes). You may need to edit your cells to match these labels and their respective order. In addition, the name and number boxes are required fields. If you don't have the names of the contacts you are adding, you can use numbers in the name category. 


You can "Edit" or "Delete" your your contacts at any time by hovering over the 3 dots to the right of a respective contact and clicking the appropriate action. 



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