You are able to add small attachments, such as images and documents, via text if you desire. This can be a convenient communication method rather than having to enter your email client or send a fax.
To send a document or image through text you will need to select the "Inbox" category from the column on the left of your account.
From this page, you will see a "New SMS" button on the upper right of the call log box.
When clicked, you will see a drop-down to choose which number you will be sending a message from. To the right of the drop-down there will be a box for you to enter the recipient's telephone number and underneath you will find the box where you will enter the body of the message.
You will find the paperclip icon on the bottom left. When clicked it will open your operating system's browsing window for you to select a file.
When finished, you can click "Send SMS" from the bottom right of the SMS box.
Once a communication steam is established, you will see the paperclip icon on the bottom left when viewing a number's history from the "Inbox."