Extensions/Prompt System:
To set up options for the caller, you will need to select the “Numbers” option from the column on the left.
From here, you can either click on the number for which you wish to edit your preferences or you can hover over the 3 dots on the right and select “Manage” from the options that appear.
You must then enable extensions using the toggle-button labeled “Enable Extensions.” When enabled for the first time, it will automatically add 3 extensions which you can customize.
To edit an extension, you simply click on expand arrow to the right of the respective option.
You can also add more extensions by clicking the big, blue “Add New Extension” button on the bottom of the category. You can remove extensions by clicking the trashcan next to the appropriate extension.
To edit an extension, you simply click on expand arrow to the right of the respective option. This is where you will find the option to removed extensions, as well.
When you enter the individual extensions to edit you will have the same forwarding options available for each extension that can be used without using extensions. “Standard Forwarding” refers to having calls to your toll-free number routed to one number. “Simultaneous” transfers calls to multiple numbers at the same time. “Sequential” routes the call to the first number on a list and, if there is no answer, to the next and so forth. "Geo" limits calls to only be accepted, per the caller's geographical location. “Voicemail” sends the call directly to your voicemail.
For any of the 3 former options, you will need to add one or more forwarding numbers.
Now, you will just need to type in the number you wish to have the calls transferred to. You can also set specific time ranges calls will forward to this number on the right.
You can add additional numbers by clicking the "+ Add Next Number" box.
As seen above, you can change the caller ID toggle to your toll-free number (on the right) if you want your toll-free number to show up on your caller ID instead of the caller’s information. To the right of that is your ring second slider which is set to 20 seconds by default. Repeat this process for every number you want to add.
You can lengthen or shorten the ring seconds as you please but there are several things to consider.
*Note: When adding more than one forwarding number under the "Standard" forwarding option, you must add a weight to each number (distribution ratio). In this case, weight is a numerical value to represent the number of calls you would like on forwarding number to receive in relation to another. For example, if you set the first forwarding number at 7 and the second at 3, the first forwarding number will receive 7 calls for every three the second forwarding number receives.
You also have the option to prevent forwarding number voicemails from engaging by clicking the "Prevent Voicemail From Answering Forwarded Calls" button, underneath the forwarding options. In this section, you can use the "Time To Accept Call In Seconds" slide-bar to set how long you have to accept the call on your receiving device{s). Under the slide-bar, there is a drop-down menu to select a recording to play, while calls are ringing. This is set to ring, by default. If you expand the drop-down, you will see a pre recorded music file to select. If you would prefer to add or create your own, You can select the "+" button to the right, and a box will appear in order for you to upload a file or record a message.
Below the "Prevent Voicemail From Answering Forwarded Calls" section, there is an option to enable the voicemail service through 800.com. When you click this button, your voicemail settings will open. The top box will allow you to configure your business hours, so you can set a different voicemail greeting for when during and after business hours. You can select an existing greeting from the drop-down below, or you can create your own using the "+" button, to the right.
*Note, if you don’t intend on using 800.com’s voicemail service you will need to extend the call seconds in order to allow your provider’s voicemail system to engage. The call will disconnect at the end of the ring second limit if another service has not engaged.
Once you have the inputs configured, scroll back up the to "General Settings" section and select which message to play for the caller by clicking on the bar under the “Welcome Greeting” label.
In most cases the default “Greeting for Extensions” will suffice, but if you wish to edit this message, upload a recording, or recording a greeting through your computer's microphone you can do so by visiting the “Greetings” option from the column on the left or clicking the "+" button to the right of the drop-down. If you choose to upload a recording, click the “Play Recording” option within the “Edit” of “Add Greeting” boxes. If you are uploading a file, be sure to attach an MP3 file that is under 250MB. You also have the option to record the greeting through your microphone by clicking "Record By Computer."
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