Adding users

You can add users to your account and assign them roles, which will determine their permissions.

  1. From your account, select Settings on the navigation panel on the left.

  2. From the options that display, select Users. You will see your existing users, email addresses, assigned role and their current status.  

  3. Click the Invite User button. 
  4. Enter the First Name, Last Name and Email of the user you want to invite to your account. 
  5. Select the appropriate Role for the user.
    • Admin: Provides full access to all features, which includes the ability to view and edit anything. 
    • User: Allows the user to view and edit everything except billing (invoices, update payment information, view minute totals).  
    • Billing:  Allows the user to only access invoices, update payment information and view minute totals.
    • Reporting: Allows the user to only access Call Analytics.  
  6. Click Next
  7. If you selected the User or Reporting role, you will be prompted to specify which numbers the user should have access to. 

  8. Select the desired numbers the user should have access to or click Select all to select all numbers and then click Invite. Once invited, the pending invite will display on the Invitations tab until the user has accepted the invitation.  

    Once accepted, the record will move to the All users tab and the 'Pending' status will be updated to 'Active'.