How do I change the credit card associated with my account?

You can update your payment method at any time through your account. To do this, you can expand the settings menu by clicking "Settings" from the column on the left of your account interface.




From this menu, you can select "Billing & Plans" to be directed to the update page.



You can then click the "Update Payment Method" box on the right side of the box with your current credit card information. 



A box will open requiring you enter your card number, the name on the card, the card's expiration, and the CVC code. You can also select the PayPal option, from this box, and log in with your PayPal credentials.



We currently accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover credit/debit cards, as well as PayPal. Gift cards are not permitted as our services bill on a monthly basis.


*Note: If your account is past-due, your past-due balance will be processed automatically when your payment information is updated.