Call Analytics by Number (phone number)

  • Updated

You can view your call volume separated by telephone number if you have more than one. 


To review these statistics, expand the "Call Analytics" category in the column on the left of your account and select "By Number" from the list. 




This will bring you to the analysis screen. You can change the date range by clicking on the date box on the upper right of the screen. All of your numbers will be selected and displayed by default. You can look your telephone numbers individually by clicking on the drop-down box that states "All Numbers" on the upper left. Likewise, you can change the metric you are analyzing by using the "Filter" drop-down just to the right. 




The graph will show the unique callers in blue and display a total. It will also separate callers who have dialed in before in yellow and display the total. If the call volume is too small to view relative to another number's you can hover over that portion of the graph and a bubble will appear displaying the information. 


At the bottom, you will have all the information displayed in a chart. Also, you have the option to export this chart in the form of a .csv file by clicking the box that says "Export" on the very top right of the page. This will allow you to view the information in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.



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