Day Parting/Business Hours

  • Updated

You have the ability to set forwarding hours for individual numbers and hours for specific voicemail greetings to play for the caller. Configuring either of these options begins with selecting the "Numbers" column on the left of your account.




From here, you can either click on the number for which you wish to edit your preferences or you can hover over the 3 dots on the right and select “Manage” from the options that appear.




You will then need scroll down to the “Call Routing” category in order to enter your forwarding number.




Within the “Call Routing” category you will be able to select the method of routing, add your forwarding number(s), select your Caller ID preference, and select the number of ring seconds. “Standard Forwarding” refers to having calls to your toll-free number routed to one number. “Simultaneous” transfers calls to multiple numbers at the same time. “Sequential” routes the call to the first number on a list and, if there is no answer, to the next and so forth. “Voicemail” sends the call directly to your voicemail. 




For any of the 3 former options, you will need to add one or more forwarding numbers. 


Now, you will just need to type in the number you wish to have the calls transferred to.


You can set specific time ranges calls will forward to this number on the right.




If you click on this box it will open a window giving the option to set your forwarding hours.




From here you can select one of the preset configurations, "M-F 9-5" or "S&S 9-5", or you can select "Custom" to configure custom days and times.




Selecting "Custom" will open a new window where you can select beginning and ending times for a given day of the week with their respective drop-down menus.




If you scroll all the way to the bottom of this drop-down menu you can designate days as "Closed."




You are also able to have the set times coincide with a specific time zone with the "Timezone" drop-down. Be sure to click "Set Hours" at the bottom right of the window to save the changes. 




You will then need to click save when the edit box closes.




*Depending on which forwarding method you choose (i.e. standard, simultaneous, etc.), there are several things to consider. First, if you choose "Standard Forwarding" you have to make sure there is no time overlap if you intend to forward calls to one number during a specific time frame and another number during a different specified time. Second, if you choose "Simultaneous" or "Sequential" ringing, your service will behave as if numbers are not even there outside of set time-frame and skip over them.


Voicemail Greeting(s):

You also have the option to have different voicemail greetings depending on the day or time. Most of our clients use this feature to set a different voicemail greeting outside of business hours. To take advantage of this feature while in a number's settings, scroll down to the "Voicemail" section.



If you do not have voicemail enabled, you will need to click the "Enable Voicemail" toggle which will open your voicemail settings. The first box, "Set Voicemails business Hours", will show "24/7" by default, but can be clicked if you wish to change this setting. 



This will open a window giving the option to set the voicemail hours. From here you can select one of the preset configurations, "M-F 9-5" or "S&S 9-5", or you can select "Custom" to configure custom days and times. Selecting "Custom" will open a new window where you can select beginning and ending times for a given day of the week with their respective drop-down menus.






If you scroll all the way to the bottom of this drop-down menu you can designate days as "Closed."




You are also able to have the set times coincide with a specific time zone with the "Timezone" drop-down. Be sure to click "Set Hours" at the bottom right of the window to save the changes. 




The box below the "Set Voicemails business Hours" box allows you to select a greeting from the drop-down menu or create a new message with the "+" button to the right of this box. 




*If you are setting different voicemail messages to play you have to make sure there is no time overlap otherwise this feature will not work properly. 



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