How to add your DNI script to Wordpress and WooCommerce - Call Tracking
Using the "WP Code" Plugin, you can easily add your DNI Script to Wordpress, which will in turn enable it in your Woocommerce app.
For reference: In WooCommerce they refer to DNI as Call Tracking.
Find your Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) Script in
- Log in to your Account
- Click Settings, then click Integrations
- Copy your Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) Script
Add Your DNI Script to Wordpress
- Log in to your Wordpress account
- Go to "Plugins" on the left side menu and click "Add New"
- Search for "WP Code" and then click "Install Now"
- After install, click "Activate"
- From the left main menu find and click "Code Snippets"
- Then select "Headers and Footers" from the drop down options.
- Paste your DNI script in the "Header" section and hit the SAVE CHANGES button.
- The script must be placed in the "Header" section to take affect in your WooCommerce App
Test your DNI is working
- Log in to your Account
- Click Settings, then click Integrations
- Copy the url where the DNI is placed
- Paste into the field for Test Script
- Click Test