How to set up Call Forwarding

The first step in using your new 800 number, is to set the phone number you want it forwarded to.  You can easily set it to ring one or multiple numbers. You will have several options regarding routing types, times and the distribution ratio which can be configured anytime in your number settings.

For a full configuration guide you can check out this article.


1. Access your phone settings in your Dashboard

Select the “Numbers” category from the menu column on the left side of your account. 





Click on the 800 number you want to configure, or you can hover over the 3 dots on the right and select “Manage” from the options that appear. 




Scroll down to the “Call Routing” category in order to enter your forwarding number.





2. Set your call routing method

Within the “Call Routing” category, you will be able to select different methods of routing.

If you are only forwarding to one phone number, please select the "Standard" option.


Routing Method Options.png

Standard Forwarding - Refers to having calls to your toll-free number routed to one number at a time

Simultaneous - Transfers calls to multiple numbers at the same time.

Sequential - Routes the call to the first number on a list and, if there is no answer, to the next and so forth.

Geo - Limits calls to only be accepted, per the caller's geographical location.

Voicemail - Sends the call directly to your voicemail.


3. Add your forwarding number and set your hours (Our default is 24/7)

Add Forwarding number.png

You can add additional numbers by clicking the "Add another number" button.



4. Set Caller ID and Ring Time

"Caller ID" refers to what number you want to appear on your phone, when someone calls your 800 number. "Ring Time" refers to how long you would like the phone to ring before your caller is sent to voicemail. We suggest a minimum of 20 seconds (about 4 rings).

There are 2 Caller ID options:

Callers Number - The callers own phone number will appear on your caller ID.

(Great if you are always answering your forwarding number as the business)

Your 800 Number - Your newly purchased 800 number will appear on the caller ID.

(Great if this is a shared personal line and you need to know it is someone calling your business)


You are all set! 

More questions? Reach out to us anytime at or check out our FAQ's HERE.